Bridges of Time
Bridges of Time
1h 18m
Directed by Kristīne Briede and Audrius Stonys • 2018 • Latvia/Lithuania
Acclaimed documentarians Kristīne Briede and Audrius Stonys honour their cinematic heritage in this meditative essay film about the “poetic documentary” school that came to define Baltic filmmaking. Emerging in the Soviet 1960s, auteurs like Uldis Brauns, Robertas Verba, and Henrikas Šablevičius rejected the propagandistic demands of the state in favour of a lyrical, allegorical approach to human life and nature. Briede and Stonys travel across Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, weaving between archival footage, interviews with surviving filmmakers, and original material. This poetic approach to documentary mirrors that of their subjects, questioning the role of memory in cinema and asking what it means to be a nonfiction filmmaker in the post-ideological age.
Directed by Kristīne Briede and Audrius Stonys
Cinematography by Valdis Celmiņš, Audrius Kamežys, Josep Matjus, Jānis Šēnbergs, Laisvūnas Karvelis
Music by Giedrius Puskunigis
Featuring: Uldis Brauns, Hertz Frank, Ivars Seleckis, Robertas Verba, Henrikas Šablevičius
In Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian with English subtitles
Up Next in Bridges of Time
Director Audrius Stonys introduces Br...
Audrius Stonys speaks exclusively to Klassiki about the process behind Bridges of Time, his film about Baltic poetic documentary co-directed with Kristine Briede.
Introducing Baltic poetic documentary
Klassiki curator Sam Goff introduces the phenomenon known as Baltic poetic documentary: a radical filmmaking ethos that emerged in opposition to Soviet censorship in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia in the 1960s.