The Needle
Directed by Rachid Nougmanov • 1988 • USSR/Kazakhstan
Part Pulp Fiction, part Betty Blue, Rachid Nougmanov’s cult punk film portrays the attempt of an enigmatic drifter (Soviet rock legend Viktor Tsoi) to free his ex-girlfriend from the clutches of a morphine-peddling surgeon. Contrasting the shadowy backstreets of Almaty with the desolation of the Aral Sea, this was the first Soviet film to break the taboo around drug addiction. With a thrilling soundtrack from Tsoi’s era-defining band Kino, The Needle is widely seen as the film that launched the Kazakh New Wave.
Directed by Rachid Nougmanov
Written by Aleksandr Baranov, Bakhyt Kilibayev
Cinematography by Murat Nugmanov
Music by Viktor Tsoi
Starring: Viktor Tsoi, Marina Smirnova, Pyotr Mamonov
In Russian with English subtitles
The Needle
Directed by Rachid Nougmanov • 1988 • USSR/Kazakhstan
Part Pulp Fiction, part Betty Blue, Rachid Nougmanov’s cult punk film portrays the attempt of an enigmatic drifter (Soviet rock legend Viktor Tsoi) to free his ex-girlfriend from the clutches of a morphine-peddling surgeon. Contrasting the sh...